
Welcome to another blog where we wish to increase your appetite for information and knowledge regarding relationships and sensuality and being confident.


In today’s blog, we are going to talk about how to deal with sexual incompatibility if you and your partner are not really compatible when it comes to being in the bed.


There might be several reasons for this but the thing to understand is that if you are not sexually compatible then things can become very uncomfortable and awkward in bed.


Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you are going to feel a lot better because we are going to tell you a few tips that will help you deal with sexual incompatibility with your partner.






Before we talk about important tips such as trying out different things or going to a therapist, this is the most important thing that you must do if you feel like you are incompatible with your partner sexually.


You must acknowledge this with your partner and agree that you both are not feeling the ‘vibe’ when it comes to getting intimate in the bed and the quicker you accept this the quicker you both are going to try and genuinely find solutions to this problem. That is because the sooner you accept the problem the sooner you are going to find the solution.




One of the reasons why you are incompatible with your partner might be related to mental health issues because sometimes if the mind is not at peace then getting physical might become a very difficult thing.


You might never know what is the cause of the incompatibility but it is always a good thing to get it checked out by a professional and especially a professional who is aware of the mind and how mental health can affect sexuality.




One of the ways to try and work out sexual incompatibility is to try out new things because the world of sexuality is quite big and you might never know what you both are into until you try new things.


Perhaps you both can visit a sex shop if you have one in your locality and you can pick up new toys and new contractions to use. If you do not have that, perhaps you can browse online and purchase things together that you can try with your partner.


Maybe try roleplay and maybe try altering the pace and style of your foreplay because unless you try everything you can’t be absolutely sure that you are incompatible.




Even geniuses need inspiration at times and you might just be in the need of some expert-level inspiration from the incognito industry because you might just be in need of some expert techniques that you can only find in x-rated movies.


Browse porn together with your partner whenever you think of being physical with them and try watching porn together and see what kind of porn you both like. Then try doing that with your partner and we are sure you will have quite good results.,




If you have tried everything you know but you still cannot seem to find a solution then maybe the approach to having a conversation is not enough because perhaps during a conversation one voice might get quieter than the other.


Maybe the solution for you is to simply listen to your partner and listen to the issues that they have because if you truly love them then you should be ready to also listen to them and it should not be a one-way communication.


If you start listening to them then perhaps you might even find out some of the reasons why you both might be incompatible or perhaps maybe you might eventually find the solution to this incompatibility because there might be some things that make your partner uncomfortable but they haven’t shared it with you.


Sex is a journey and you need to be patient about it because incompatibility can happen to any couple and you simply need to take your time and explore all the options of being intimate with your partner and perhaps you might discover that you have been missing a great option which you haven’t tried before.


We hope this blog has been helpful to you in order to understand more about your sexuality and in order to explore and deal with sexual incompatibility with your partner.


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