Matchmaking Preferences

Escort matchmaking is always a very special event at Sanjana Kour Escorts Goa. This is when we match our clients with the perfect escorts for them.


This is a rare event because most of our clients know their preferences and are return clients. They know exactly what kind of escort they like and they pick that escort every time they come to us.


However, there are a few times when we pick the escorts for our clients. Before we tell you what kind of parameters and preferences we utilise to pick escorts for our clients, let us talk about when this rare thing happens.






This is the most common reason and most common scenario when we pick escorts for our clients.


We get a lot of new clients daily, every week and every month. These clients have never been with an escort. Sometimes they are hesitant to pick escorts themselves.


It can be the case as there are so many options at our escort agency that clients can become confused because all of them are so hot and sexy.


This is when we help the client as we do the picking and matchmaking. This is when we ask for the client’s preferences and understand the clients in order to pick the perfect escort for them.


This is why our new clients become repeat clients, because of our understanding and careful consideration of their needs.  




All our clients are adventurous and romantic people who always like to try out the best things in life even when it comes to women.


This is the best thing about hiring an escort because it is not a relationship, hiring an escort is where you can try out new women every time.


Sometimes our regular clients want to try something new. They want to try out a new girl and they want to try out a new kind of girl based on looks.


That is when we do the surprise picking for them because we understand our clients so well. We ask our clients what would they like and listen to them so that we can do the surprise matchmaking for them.


Now that you know when we pick escorts for our clients, let us talk about how we pick escorts for our clients.

Let us talk about all the preferences we ask for and all the parameters we consider for our clients when we pick escorts for them.







Every body type is sexy but that does not mean that a particular client is going to like every kind of escort with every kind of body.


This is just like dating and we all have our preferences on what we consider as attractive and sexy.


One person might consider a busty and chubby figure sexy and irresistible and another person might not feel attracted to that kind of body.


That another person might be interested in slim or petite figures. They might be very attracted to escorts who are not chubby but are toned and have zero figures.


So, this is one of the first things we ask before we do the matchmaking.




This is also a big factor when it comes to escort matchmaking and we make sure to understand the ethnicity preference of our clients.


Some of our clients like desi escorts. They like escorts that have beautiful brown skin and that have beautiful black hair and are desi beauties.


Some of our clients like blonde hair and blue eyes Russian escorts as they are also very sexy.


We make sure to understand the ethnic preference of our clients because that is one of the biggest factors in determining what kind of escorts they like.


We also try to find escorts for them that speak the same native language because if our clients hire an escort of the same language as them then they can connect with the escorts even better.




One of the other factors we take into consideration is the age of the escort. This is something you must understand that people have different preferences when it comes to age.


Some of our clients might be interested in younger escorts that are young adults and near the age of 20.


They like to feel young and passionate with young and beautiful escorts who are extremely attractive and also very good at conversation.


However, some of our clients like mature escorts even better. These are escorts that are above 30 years of age. We can even match them to hot mature escorts in their 40s etc.


These clients like to spend time with an escort with a lot of experience and a lot of maturity and they like talking to mature women and are attracted to them.


That is why we always consider age whenever we are choosing an escort for a client.




Personality is a very big factor when it comes to matchmaking with an escort because every client has a different personality.


Some clients are introverts who do not like to talk a lot but a good listener and like to have a good conversation.


Some clients are extroverts and they like to lead the conversation and they like to express themselves in a very good way.


That is why we make sure that the personality of the escort and the personality of the client are a perfect match.  


If the client likes to have a date with someone very good at conversation and not very shy then we make sure to match them with that kind of escort and vice versa.


We take into consideration other factors as well such as the unique personality traits of our clients and their unique preferences.


Whether you do the matchmaking or we do the matchmaking, we are sure you are going to have an amazing time in Goa with us.


We are Sanjana Kour Goa Escort Service and we are the fastest-growing escort agency in Goa with some of the finest female escorts you can choose.


We welcome you to visit our catalogue in order to find out the perfect escort for yourself whether it is with body type preference or personality or hair colour preference.  


We wish you the finest and the most romantic and passionate time in Goa with our amazing escorts and fun creative spicy services.

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